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Pretty unhappy with my #VPS host. I think I might migrate at least a few services to some other provider. A bunch of the services I've written for my own use cases could technically also be uploaded to some standard webhost. That might be cheaper (and I do not need to care about server maintenance). Just thinking loud here...

If I were to transform yt2html to pure #PHP (and fetching feeds dynamically on each load rather than creating HTML files) instead of taking the shortcut throuh my years-old #Rstats script, this could also run on a webhost.

The only things I'd need a proper #VPS for would then be ktistec (i.e. and stagit ( as well as my rss reader miniflux. All of the rest are either static content or simple PHP scripts (typically even DB-less): yt2rss, yt2html, tw2html, serĉi, pastesrv, ...

On the other side: If I do need a VPS either way, I might as well throw everything onto it. With the exception of ktistec, those are super low traffic anyways (and even ktistec's traffic is quite low).

Alright, I booked a new #VPS at another host. Waiting for the initial setup, then I start transferring the first few sites, starting with #ktistec (let's see how easy a server migration is for an activitypub server :D). I'll be gone from here for a while (at least until DNS updates...)

And I am back online! Looks like the move went fine. All posts and data is still here, federations appears to work as well. Neat! #ktistec

Migrating all my tools was quite a hassle, eventhough most of my self-written ones require not much configuring (if at all) and need no databases, etc.

I switched my rss reader from #miniflux to #selfoss, let's see how that turns out. I am also thinking about trying #ttrss again.

I do need to limit server load on this tiny 1-core, 1 GB RAM VPS. But that is part of the fun! Now, in the coming weeks I plan to go over my tools again and improve their performance (especially server-load) substantially. I think there is still room for improvement!

For example, I would love for yt2html to be pure #PHP instead of the old #Rstats script. Also, I would like to write a really simple file-based notes and bookmarking tool in PHP and retire the linkding service I am running, as it is a bit overkill for my uses.